Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gothic Invasion Truly Commences

The word came from our informants, first as a rumor, then as a statement of fact. It was time for the true Gothic invasion. The notorious Ostrogoths (Goths from the East, in this case Sweden) had set their eyes on New Mexico to plunder and bring back Green Chile. 

The Empire is not without its defenses though. Our agents caused a worldwide computer outage hoping to catch the Goths in mid-flight. We failed. We had our timing off by a day. Now they approach. And the Sinogoths, who we had deceived and sent up to Colorado (telling them there were easier pickings there) have sent an angry note that they will be back, and back soon!

And if that were not enough, these Gothic tribes invited their brethren, the Visigoths to join in the plundering as well.

All Is Lost!


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

As if we didn't know how happy you are to see all these Goths.

I do fear that your wine cellar will be plundered, though...

alexis said...

hide your grapenuts! That's what they go for first