Call it a change of perspective.
Call it a redefinition.
Call it giving things a different spin.
We were having our weekly video call with daughter #3. Once again we were going over the changes in plans that have taken place just in the week since we last talked. She jokingly said we were like a soap opera, a telenovela. Each week there was a new twist or turn in our plans.
It was lightening striking. OF COURSE!
We ARE a telenovela. There CAN NOT be a final resolution. The MUST ALWAYS be a new twist, a new challenge, a new crisis, a new revelation to cause the story to continue. If everything gets resolved, the story is over! We don't want that. They only stop the story when the telenovela is canceled. We don't want to be CANCELED!
Now, I can accept things. And it is with a great sense of peace and tranquility that I visualize myself in the role of the older, suave Latin character as we continue down the the telenovela of our life.
#3 is spot on. Isn't it interesting how a change of perspective can affect us?
I follow a soap opera (on the radio, from the BBC) and I will note that they have more characters, so the leads don't have to have drama 100% of the time. Perhaps you need some drama filled friends to share the narrative load.
oooo good observation RM, so long as I don't have to have the drama. Or find out I married my cousin
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