Monday, September 4, 2023

On Having Dodged The Bullet

 Deterioration is the constant companion of the aging. In almost all aspects of your life, you see that you are not what you were. This is normal. It is the trajectory of life. 

If you are at all self-aware, you have been watching this happen to others. You compare yourself. How far am I along the path? When will the eventual 'key event' take place? 

The 'key event' is some kind of injury or illness that causes you to be sidelined from your normal activities for a long enough period of time that you overall state (particularly your physical state) deteriorates significantly. If you are able to overcome the injury or illness, you find, despite work, you are unable to get yourself back to where you were physically. This accelerates the trend of deterioration leading eventually to death. This can take longer or shorter depending on the overall health and physical condition of the person. 

It was in April when I feared the 'key event' had occurred. I talked about it in this post. I didn't mention it during the posts in Spain. But it was there. Although I had overcome the pain, my leg strength had diminished substantially. And I had lost a lot of conditioning. Was this it? Was this the 'key event'?

When I got back to New Mexico in July, I made a concerted effort to get back to hiking. I was so way out of shape and my leg was not what it was. I found a new routine that allowed me to get out despite my schedule with calls so early in the day. I found that the extreme heat was not bothering me that much so I could go later in the day when it was more likely for me to have time. Slowly but surely I added a little more distance. 

Now I am much further along than I would have hoped. I have no illusions that I am going to be back to something of 5-years ago. But I am definitely a lot stronger. I really feel like I dodged the 'key event' bullet.

This time.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

You've really hit the nail on the head. Everyone tries to dodge bullets as they age (and I agree that they should try!)
Being proactive can usually slow down problems, but they eventually happen. I watch my older friends and some accept the changes and try to find a new normal and be happy, and others are really angry or sad. I really hope I'll be in the first category, but time will tell.

alexis said...

I think mindset in not being complacent also plays a big factor, next to big ole dumb luck. I was just talking to my very young daughter about the gift of health. It really is something! Glad you're still out there able to hike and enjoy it!