Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time To Leave

That's how I feel about the United States right now. That it is time to leave. Time to go somewhere and not be engaged in any political activity.

I never, ever thought I would have thoughts like this. I know the incredible blessing it has been to have been born in a country like the U.S. especially now that I have traveled so much of the world, now that I am working with people directly who did not win the birth lottery. So it is with a heavy heart that I have these feelings. But the level of insane partisanship here is leaving me feeling there is no happy outcome for this country of mine.

I mean a significant proportion of our people are making a political statement about wearing face masks? They are threatening to kill people over it? Really? As Wife pointed out if a store can have a rule that says, 'no shirt, no shoes, no service,' and that is not considered taking one's civil rights away, why is requiring a mast doing so?

And then on the other side, we have people in leadership who with a straight face say, "Hey you people who just want to have a normal life, you are horrible human beings for not social distancing. But you people who are demonstrating for a cause and not social distancing, you get a free pass because you are the good ones." What hypocrisy. Either we need to socially distant or we don't. The reason is not relevant.

I am not likely to act on this feeling because I am too committed to my Ghana project and helping those women. That's real. I can see the change it is causing in lives right before my eyes. And that project requires me to be here. So here I will stay. But don't expect me to engage in any meaningful way with our social or political engagement. Because I think it is all a nuthouse.

1 comment:

alexis said...

It looks like a nuthouse from here too. :(