Saturday, May 23, 2020

Fractional Tasking

So much has been written over the last decade or so about multi-tasking. One should do it. One should not do it. Life is so complicated, how can you not do it. Doing it makes you do a lousy job of everything....blah, blah, blah.

As the last month has been incredibly busy, I find myself reflecting on this issue. And my sad but true realization is that for I, the transitioned person over 70, multitasking isn't really an option. In fact, even regular one-off tasking is a bit of an issue.

I think at this stage of life, you are much more doing fractional tasking.

What is fractional tasking, you ask?

Fractional tasking means that even when you put your full effort and attention into something, you may, at best, be doing about 75 to 80 percent of what you need to be doing. And that's when things are going well. If you are not on your game, you may be doing under 50%.

But with the wisdom and rationalization that comes with age, I have pretty much decided that "Hey. That's okay." Just so long as my fractional attainment is better than my peers fractional attainment.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Yes, I think your fractional tasking in business will be above many of your peers' 100% effort. Still, I would imagine this takes some getting used to.

alexis said...

I think many people during Covid feel like they are operating at fractional tasking levels.
The only research I've read into multitasking is that parents are able to combine some child care activities with other activities. It was very specific!