Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - First Cuba Pictures! Havana Street Scenes

Since we did no picture taking on this travel day and are blessed with some reasonable hotel internet, I have decided to squeeze in some Cuba pictures. This may be the only ones until we get home because I am expecting a lot of photos in Mexico City. I mentioned in my verbal post that we took so many pictures in Havana that I was going to have to divide them into multiple posts. This post will deal with the incredible variety of people images just walking the streets of Havana.

Right outside where our room was
We stayed at B&B's or private home rooms for rent as they are called here rather than go to government run hotels



Music and Dancing

Photographers and Photography

Wife goes native
She should be playing dominoes too


Balconies and laundry

Hemingway's favorite place for Daiquris

1 comment:

alexis said...

how does racism, sexism and homophobia or other forms of prejudice work in Cuba?