Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Eight Cuba Pictures! Trinidad de Cuba

LÍvan called Trinidad the town locked in time. As I mentioned in my last post, the town stopped developing when changes in land based transportation made the city much less important. Fast forward to the present and it's old section is now a UNESCO Heritage site.

A gastronomic interlude
Food was not particularly fantastic in Cuba
Most meat was very overdone to our tastes
But for our first dinner in Trinidad, the owner of our B&B made dinner
We had requested simple fried fish
He did a great job
The fish and its accompaniments were clearly the best meal of the trip
Wilfried, owner and chef

The dish on the left is Tostones, twice fried bananas (NOT plantains according to  LÍvan)
 They were very crispy and served with a slightly spicy sauce
Wilfried's helper
Now off into town
First stop, museum showing one of the best old mansions in town

Note the ceiling. Looks like the hull of a boat, right?
Most of the carpenters in town in the day were shipbuilders so you got ship shape roofs
Kitchen, Wilfried belongs here!
Tower we would soon be climbing
Yes, narrow and steep
Looking back down to the central courtyard.
Mid way up, a tourist shop with friendly saleswoman
Helping you chose the proper T-shirt to promote the revolution
Looking out over Trinidad

With of course a laundry shot
 And now around the town
More examples of ceilings



 Always Automobiles

A truck with components from the US, Russia, Japan and Korea
Making pottery

More of the town locked in time

Devotional statuettes in a shop with significant African influenced elements

And just for my Niece RM



Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I guess I'm touched that you'll think of me when you see tangled electrical wires?

alexis said...

I like the statues