Friday, August 17, 2018

Early Morning Late Summer Sun

Since coming back from two weeks east, I have been back in my normal hiking/exercise pattern. I go out twice a week on this trail that is about 5 miles round trip up and back. Starts at around 6,200 feet and goes to 7,300 where I turn around. It's a good hard workout and about at the max that my body in its current aged condition can take.

It's interesting the changes you see being gone just a couple of weeks at this time of year. I hit the trail head usually around 7 AM. A few weeks ago in July the sun was already up and the heat of the day was starting. Now the Sun doesn't really break over the mountain ridge until close to 7:15.

And the sun is much lower in the sky. We're only 5 weeks away from the Equinox. The light from the high sun at the heart of the summer is harsh. It beats down on you. It washes out the color and gives everything a sort of bleached haze. Now the light is much softer, coming in from a lower angle. The colors are more pronounced. There is more contrast between lighted and shaded spots. It is also monsoon season and we've been getting a reasonable amount of rain even if temperatures have stayed very hot. So everything is as green as it is going to get here.

Being away at sea level for even two weeks does a number on my altitude exercise breathing capability. But things felt pretty reasonable today. Maybe next week I will have enough extra energy to bring my camera up with me.


alexis said...

Yes. we already noticed the days getting shorter here when we got back.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I think it is a really meaningful when you get an opportunity to observe a place over and over, over time, so that you can notice the tiny changes. I get to do this in my back garden every morning, since I managed to sit out there almost year-round.