Sunday, December 3, 2017

Taking Stock At The Milestone

In a couple of days I will be officially 70. I have kind of felt like I was there already because of the family surprise party we had back in August when the clan was here.

In a lot of ways 70 feels a lot better rolling off the tongue than 69. I don't know, 69 just seems like such an awkward number. It's that point where you can't possibly fake that you're in your early 60's (which is just the 50's on steroids). But 70, that's a number you can get your hands around. No one is saying '70 is the new 25' or 'Age is just a number'. Nope. 70 is...well it's 70. And that's not young by anyone's definitions with the exception of those who are 85 and older.

I am feeling pretty good about things these days and being the over thinking, over analyzing person I am I kind of did an inventory of what's going well with life and realized there isn't much that I'm unhappy with. Love our lifestyle, traveling and working at a reduced level. Happy with our finances. Feel things are under control and don't have to worry about much. Feel we have good contingency plans for the future when things start deteriorating.

Very happy with my relationships. Love spending time with Wife and helping support the things that are important to her. Cherish the wonderful friendships I have with my children and the sons-in-law. Like how things are developing with the grandchildren considering the difficulties of being so far away.

Health? Honestly, I think in a lot of ways I am in better shape than I have been in a long time. I've lots of ailments for sure (arthritis, glaucoma, asthma, hearing loss). But most of these I've had for a long time and whatever regimes I'm doing seem to have them bothering me less than they have for many, many years. Don't have any illusions that I'm really getting any better but I feel I have more leg strength and better balance than just a few years ago.

Then I did a little exercise and did a quick review of my past. I asked myself, "When was the time you felt better than you do now?" The surprising answer (at least to me) was NEVER. I can't remember any time when I felt as good as I do now. When I was really young? No way. Hated growing up, and young adulthood was miserable until I met Wife. Raising a family? Felt  totally over my head not to mention dealing with all the crap and deprogramming of stuff from my Father. Financially? Ha! We struggled and had crisis after crisis. It wasn't until our 60's that any kind of feeling of getting ahead of the curve took place. Physically and pain? Pain has been with me my whole life because I was involved with athletics and pushing my body my whole life. Couldn't sleep for decades without a lot of painkillers. Seems more under control now.

So yes, I'd have to say that there is no other time in my life that I would have any desire to go back to. Think I am going do even more of what I have been doing...being grateful for each and every moment I have now, immersing myself into what I do each and every day and enjoying the heck out of it for as long as I can.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It seems to me that it is quite a gift to be happy AND to appreciate it.

alexis said...

Amen to all that!!!! You make 70 look great. I hope for 70 more for you. :)