Saturday, May 14, 2016

Celebrating Eight Years

It is 8 years to the day that I said a fond farewell to my left kidney and sent it off to find its destiny as the sole operating kidney for my sister whose two kidneys she'd been born with had decided to take early retirement.

It was a major life event. For those who might want all the gory details (not physically gory...more emotionally gory), here's the link to the long series of posts I wrote starting 18 days before the event.

Amazingly enough both the kidney I gave my sister and the one remaining in me have been working like Timex watches (they take a licking and keep on ticking). That is not always the case with these donations.

It has made me wonder if my parts all work better independently than they do together as a system. I feel there was some great economic opportunity lost being so old when I did the donation and missing out on the opportunity to go to India or some where and auctioning off other parts of me. Oh well I guess we'll just have to putter along with the ensemble as it is.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It's hard to believe it's been so long, and I'm glad it has worked out well for both of you.

Surely it's not too late, though. I would think that somewhere, someone would be willing to pay good money for a slightly used limb or organ...

alexis said...

I'm delighted that you AND my aunt are doing well!

Tee said...

Ah, yes! Happy donation anniversary! This is the thing that sparked our friendship! I'm glad to hear your sister is still doing so well.