Sunday, September 5, 2010


The Girl gone Wild post was strictly done to poke some fun at various people who evidently read my blog but never comment. It was done with full knowledge and approval of the wonderful woman, wife, mother, and friend to my daughter. As usual I should know that one should be more careful about what is posted on the internet as someone will take it out of context.

My apologies.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Ha! My bad in calling her a whore. People who know me know I was just kidding as well, but it doesn't translate well in print.

Anonymous said...

While I do not understand why anyone would have thought the implication of impropriety on the part of a spouse traveling abroad would be humorous, I realize that you all were tired, travel worn, and probably not thinking clearly. I appreciate your apology and retraction. M should have known that the tiger in me would leap to her defense, she is family and “Nemo me impune lacessit”. If your intent was to draw me out in the open then you certainly succeeded!
Congratulations on your daughters' marriage, best wishes for a long and happy life together.

Mike said...

I thought it was a great post. I didn't take it that way at all.

NMichelle said...

I have a great MIL :). We are certainly ones to jump on posts when we see things we have to speak up against. I am lucky to have her as family :)
Thank you for the Clarification. I am so happy to know you guys and to have been there for A and R :)
I didn't take offense at Lakeview because being familiar with your comments on A's blog I figured you were joking :)
We shall just file it "past" and move on :)