Thursday, June 10, 2010

We Are Happy To Announce...

...the return of business life. The last 2 years have simply sucked and it has been quite the struggle. Actually I felt pretty good that we'd been able to be somewhat stable compared to other businesses.

However, the last couple of months have been excellent. It's funny because the economy is definitely not buoyant by any means. But small business owners, my clients, seem to have resigned themselves to this new economic reality and are looking to make the best of it.

My experience is that you never know if anything is really sure and this could turn quickly but we are really trying to take advantage of the current circumstances to but some fat on the bones to handle the next crisis.


WeaselMomma said...

Good deal. Enjoy that sigh of relief.

alexis said...

now if the rest of the sectors could take a clue from the small businesses!

terri said...

You survived it! Pat yourself on the back.

Anonymous said...

Yay! This is the part where I would take a couple hours for myself and drink a mojito on the back porch.

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Break out the (bought-at-a-discount) champagne!