Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Emperess Pu In Theodora Land

Things are certainly different when the Dowager Empress Pu Lee Shah (aka #2) descends upon your humble African project to do her observation and inspection of what her vassal, de-I has been up to. The standards are much higher.

"de-I! Where is my large black gigantic SUV so I can lord around this African city?"

"Your Brilliance, I have gotten you a large, humongous SUV to take you around?"

"de-I, I said black, not dark grey. Are you blind? No self-respecting police escort is going to take me obnoxiously through traffic, disregarding anyone else's plans if my humongous SUV is not black. Go out back and flog yourself."

Of course, in all seriousness, nothing like this is occurring (though it would be kind of cool if it did 😂). Instead, we've had #2 here as the highly engaged and interested member of our Theodora Board and Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking co-President. She has been throwing herself into meeting virtually everyone involved with our project, all our Board members, critical advisors, team members, and has sat in on numerous of our team meetings. She has reengaged the local Non-Profit Board and has found ways she can contribute in that area within the context of her own responsibilities. It has been great.

Of course, this wouldn't be Ghana without the usual number of 'things not working'. 

We started with the apartment I have been using lately, not having running water. That sucked. But I was to move to a separate Airbnb to house #2. It had water, but no hot water. Then the office is having water supply issues. 

Then there was #2 having a flight delay and getting in a day later. That wasn't a Ghana issue but a British Airways issue. 

Lastly, #2 and I took a day trip to the northern city of Tamale to inaugurate the first Pilot Project of Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking's Economic Development Initiative. More on that in the next post.


alexis said...

sounds like it was a super successful trip - yeah!!

alexis said...

surely there was also time for eating we should hear about?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, that sounds like a packed and productive itinerary!