Sunday, August 18, 2024

Empress Pu In Ghana Photo Spectacular

Seeing is believing!

Signing Ceremony at the Rotary Club of Tamale 



Distribution of Rotary Swag...Always Appreciated


 Mandatory Group Shot

The Local Assemblyman warming up the crowd before de-I makes his first ever Economic Development Initiative talk to a Ghana local village. Thank you fellow Rotarians for the 5 minutes of prep time to prepare.

At Theodora Ghana Virtual Assistants

Meeting with Rotarian Jonas (who has probably done more than anyone in Ghana to help this program move forward and succeed)


Presenting three of our women with Certificates for passing the Advanced Virtual Assistant certification

Theodora Team


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

You can tell that Empress Pu has an Advanced Photo Op certification :)

alexis said...

so great to see the people! Usually we get shots of food. Also very generous of them to give you 5 min prep time, I understand normally you get put right on the spot lol