Tuesday, August 6, 2024

On The Road Again And Back To Ghana

I leave tomorrow for Ghana and back to my normal business routine. 

 Accept things are not really normal. In a good way. 

With Theodora, through a number of separate situations we are in solidly profitable situation for the first time in...well forever! There is still a lot to be done to get this to a fully functional, independent business, but it is well on its way. And if the goal was just to set up this small group as successes, we'd be fine. But, our ambition is much greater, to use this model to help many, many more women. So we will be working on lots of projects to both solidify our current success, and to build the basis for expansion.

But on top of this, there is the development of the Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking (RCEHT) Economic Development Initiative (EDI). We have our first pilot project ready to be initiated in the northern Ghana city of Tamale. In addition we have another potential partner in the city of Kumasi. So, I will be visiting both of those cities during this trip. 

AND, to make things even more interesting, daughter #2 who is a co-President of my Rotary Club and on my own non-profit's board as well, will be visiting with a whirlwind four-day visit. She will be checking out Theodora first-hand, meeting all the key people, and will be joining me in visiting Tamale and the members of the Rotary Club of Tamale for a formal signing ceremony of our Memorandum of Understanding on the project. 

So lots happening. It has taken a lot of effort to get things in place both for the trip and business at home. So I'm tired. But I actually look forward to my long international flights where I can unplug and just let my energies renew.


alexis said...

business class definitely helps with that relaxation - enjoy!!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, that´s really a lot going on! It´s terrific that daughter 2 can see it in person. I look forward to hearing the report after the whirlwind trip.