Saturday, February 13, 2021

de-I Sandia Outfitters Home Care Company

 Will the opportunities for the de-I Sandia Outfitter brand never cease? Recently we were asked if we wanted to take on the role of home care giver.

Wife decided earlier in the year to undergo a rather painful yet promising surgery to repair major damage in the rotator cuff. This took place about two weeks ago. While Wife researched many home care options, we a de-I Sandia Outfitters successfully intercepted most of their responses so she only had a choice of one. Who would have thought?

I am happy to say that while our patient ended up having more significant surgery than she had hoped, she responded well and we are hoping that this will have resolved an issue that has reduced her quality of life for quite a number of years.

Caregiving de-I Sandia Outfitters Style

I am pretty sure our patient came to us with these 

At least I have time dated the photos for our lawyers to ensure that is the case

We don't mess around with equipment

 No regular sling will do. No! Only an UltraSling III will do for those in our care

Our staff prepared for showering assistance


So remember if you are looking at an operation or medical event where in home assistance is needed? Remember the professionals at de-I Sandia Outfitter Home Care. And don't pay any attention to the form asking you to change the beneficiary for all your assets to de-I Sandia Outfitter Home Care. It's just a formality.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

These pictures have convinced me... that I need to keep working and saving lots so that if I ever need home care I can afford a different service than Sandia Outfitters.

Tee said...

So glad to hear that your patient is recovering well! After years of pain, she deserves a successful and quick recovery. It sounds like she picked just the right caregiving service! :-)