Monday, January 20, 2020

This Is How Planets Are Made

My partner in Chicago always gives me a raft of shit for using obscure analogies that no one else gets. But I am incorrigible.

Do you know how planets come into being? No, I thought not. Though I am sure that #3, 3A and probably 3.1 and 3.2 know as they are certified, science geeks.

What happens is you have a big cloud of dust. The bigger pieces within the cloud have slightly more gravity and attract other pieces. This continues with the bigger pieces attracting and incorporating the smaller pieces. Until such time as you have a fairly large body which now attracts more and more of the smaller bits until such time as you have a planet.

This is what seems to be happening with our Theodora project. We keep attracting piece by piece. By themselves, each piece doesn't seem like that much. But as they keep accreting, the project starts becoming more and more real. In the last two weeks we have:
  • Received commitments for another $5K that will allow us to open our doors in the 2nd quarter
  • Gotten two former partners of mine to agree to help to put in place a new business onboarding process
  • Another business contact who will help train our people in how to build low-end websites and do basic social media marketing support
So much more to do. But so much more achievable than just months ago.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I think it's an excellent analogy! Plus anyone be who understands the Theodora project can use it in reverse to understand planet formation!

Bernice said...

Wow! From nothing to what you now have. Congratulations.

alexis said...

but don't forget - this phenomenon can occur in a vacuum. It happens in an area that is already (relatively) rich in random flotsam and particles floating around. So that is a good sign if there is momentum now, it will only continue. Sounds like great things afoot. xxx, #3