Sunday, August 25, 2019


As I find with so much of our life at this stage, things tend to fall into patterns and cycles. Now is the smoking season when I fire up the Yoder and smoke the meat and fowl we will enjoy throughout the year.

I have commented in past posts that the decision to have purchased a smoker that can easily handle enough food to feed a small platoon, a very hungry girl's volleyball team or your family of hungry stoats has influenced how I use it. Initially part of the reluctance to use it was because it was a bit of a pain to clean and set up. But like so much else, I have got that figured out. No, the reason is that we just don't eat that much meat or fowl. And it seems a waste to crank it up for something uses the same effort and fuel whether there is a two pounds being smoked or 30 pounds. It is also something that you can't use in cold weather as it works at a very output of heat and when the cast iron unit itself is ice cold there is no way it can get heated up to temperature

This means I use it maybe four to six times during the summer and when I do, I make a lot of whatever I am making and then freeze small portions or the rest of the year. A couple of weekends ago I made ribs. This weekend was pulled pork (12 pounds of it). Next week I am doing poultry - most likely 6 bone-in whole chicken breasts (we use the meat for salads and sandwiches) and 2 ducks. I experimented with duck last year and was quite pleased. I will use the meat for cooking, will turn all the skin into cracklings and will make a broth from all the bones. I actually have entertainment coming up in October with this in mind.  I am planning to make a smoked duck risotto using both broth and meat with the cracklings sprinkled on top of the finished dish.


Bernice said...

I was a bit worried when I read the title of the post. Glad to learn it was the meat that was smoking, not you.

alexis said...

that is some serious planning going on. We trust there will be smoked tastiness left when we eventually get out there to visit.