Friday, April 1, 2022

Getting To Work

Back in Ghana, our team is in the process of trying to find a new location. We have nice offices but they are as far away from where any of our people work as can possibly be. Accra is no different than many large cities in that finding affordable housing is not easy the closer into the city core you get. Given the transformative nature of our program, you can be sure that our women start looking for better housing as soon as they are comfortable with their new economic status. That means moving way the heck out. we are looking for funding to facilitate our move and created this video which shows what a typical commute looks like.


alexis said...

OMG - can we post this on LinkedIn ?? Would the ladies be okay with that?

Dad said...

I don't know. They are very sensitive about their images being out. Though we have them up on our website now.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I couldn't quite hear all the words over the din of the traffic, but that made it even more clear what a long, uncomfortable trip it is every day.