Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Theodora Ghana Virtual Assistants - Questions Answered

 We got an inquiry from Ms. B from Ohio. In our comments she asked;


“I may have missed it, but are there pictures of where you work? I would be interested in a more detailed description of the work the women do. Also, how do you find the business that use their work?”


Pictures from Where We Work


We are, in fact, a completely virtual operation. Our participants all work from their domiciles as do I and my other key staff. While I was in Ghana, I rented a large enough apartment so I could have group meetings. We also met once in the office of one of the directors of our Ghanaian partner foundation. But because of their prior occupation and their desire for confidentiality, one of our rules is we do not publish pictures of them on public forums.


Work our Women Do


Theodora Ghana Virtual Assistants (https://theodoraafrica.com/) focuses on solopreneurs & small business owners, probably over 50 years old, very often a professional, consultant or service-provider, who struggle to run themselves effectively as a business. We deliver a consultative approach that allows the client to effectively use the service. Specific services provided are:

  • E-marketing & support > setting up email and social media programs, designing content, executing mailings and social media postings.
  • Owner Management Assistance > providing accountability programs and task management systems that get owners and professionals more productive and less harried.
  • Process documentation > using both graphics and text to document via flow charts and mind maps
  • Research
  • Our pricing model is a flat fee of $200 a month with a commitment of six months. We provide a customer relationship manager who will put together the team to help with your tasks. We help design the work process and organize the management of that team providing your service.

How Do We Find the Businesses That Use Our Work?


Currently we find our clients via networking and public speaking events. We have tapped into the very robust business network I’ve developed over the years to generate our first wave of clients. One of our participants has become a member of this networking organization and actively works to develop relationships and sales. We are rolling out a major initiative of presentations to groups where our target market has a high representation. As I have initiated this whole project through the auspices of Rotary International, this is a primary focus of this effort. But there are number of other organizations we are targeting as well. At each talk we try to generate specific contacts and leads which are then put into a classic sales pipeline for ongoing sales effort.


Hope that answers your questions. Please feel free to ask more. AND if you feel you know of any organization that needs cost effective administrative services, give me a call!


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I don't work work with small businesses, but it is super interesting to learn about their needs and how your project works with them.

de-I said...

Actually RMG, if you have physicists or administrators who work by themselves or even those who run small departments without the financial resources for a full or part-time admin assistant at U.S. wage rates, and who find they are not organized and frequently are letting important tasks fall get delayed or put off, they could easily benefit from the low cost/high focused assistants Theodora could provide.