Monday, March 23, 2020

How Much Time Have I Been Traveling Anyway?

Thus far in the highly restricted state that defines our new normal for the current time, I have managed to maintain a very busy business schedule. Whether for my paid gig or for Theodora Ghana, I am maintaining pretty close to the same level of meetings I would in the pre-Covid-19 world.

Yet, I have way more time. Why? Because all my meetings are virtual...most via video though some are phone only. And whether it is here in New Mexico where I would have been driving to and from meetings, out-of-state meetings flying to Chicago or California or my numerous trips to Ghana, they apparently take up a huge amount of my time.

I wonder once this crisis has abated and we are allowed to get out if I will travel as much as I have in the past. I'd like to think not but I suspect that I will. Because as effective as working virtually is, I actually like getting out and going places. Always have. Always will I suspect.

1 comment:

alexis said...

I will be curious to see!