Friday, July 5, 2019

"Ghana Project - Phase II - The Ghanaian Village

You only visit the main city of any country and you are going to get a distorted view of what life is really like. In my short time working here in Ghana, I have spent all my time in Accra, the capital city and the largest city. But as I mentioned in my last post, we went out into the countryside on behalf of one of my proof-of-concept clients who drills water wells for villages to give them clean water supplies. I brought my camera and had the opportunity to get some photo ops.

Water Is Important!
We take it for granted
This village used to get its water from a stream that was not sanitary and would dry up during the dry season
Then it got a hand pump...a big improvement
 But it got blocked
My client put in not just an electric powered well but a distribution system with multiple distribution points so people did not have to walk so far to get their water

Don't think this is valued?
My client Emmanuel
With another of the people I am mentoring, Mary, who is becoming a personal assistant
Scenes from throughout the village

Registering at 18 to get your government ID card...very important!
And as I have seen throughout my time in Ghana, people love to mug for the camera
The major crop here is cassava and it is processed into a product called Gari, basically, a ground-up toasted grain that gets added to other food


Bernice said...

What a gift you are giving. And what an experience for you. These blog postings read like a beautiful story, which they are.

Agent W said...

Thank you for your wonderful post! There is so much we take for granted!
Looking forward to Ghana Phase III !

alexis said...

we take a lot for granted in the west.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Along with clean water, I take easily prepared food for granted. That big pile of peeled casava looks like a lot of work!