Enough is enough. After prolonged occupations of our territory by Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Physicvegatriagoths, we at the center of the universe, the Imperial capital of de-I-holm, decided we needed to show who was boss, who was the apex predator, who had the airfare to burn.
Rumor had it that one of the wandering Gothic trips, the Diplogoths, were amassing for who knows what depredations. So we decided to send out a punitive force to show them they couldn't just plop themselves down in front of our wine cellar and be served like nobility.
We did decide to bring an offering of semi-good will just in case they decided to be peaceful. We were told that New Mexican Salsa was an acceptable present. But even here the barbarian nature of the tribe showed through. Our diplomats communicated with the Gothic Queen, legendary Pulisha. We asked how much would be a proper gift. We were told, "As much as you can carry." We asked if it was okay to bring our own clothes? The answer was (and this is an actual quotation), "Nothing but salsa. Only bring salsa. As much as you can carry. We asked if we could but our clothes on the carry-on luggage. "No. Fill it with salsa and check it. Then slather your body with salsa so you can get that through security. (That also is a quotation).
We could see that peaceful means would not be working, so we went back to Plan A and simply swooped in conquest mode. Surprise was complete and we have been enjoying the pleasures of the captured Diplogothian palace.
de-I the Conqueror enjoying the fruits of the conquest
Captured Goths being put to work in the Uno mines.
Seriously, we are in Florida seeing Daughter #2 and family for the first time in a year. They ship out for China, their next post, at the end of September. This was the only time we could get to see them. They have to be in Florida because #2 has to renew her drivers license and US residency. Florida is close to the last place I would want to visit right now with the Covid breakout. We essentially have spent our time going from the small condo we are sleeping at (not enough room in the #2 inn lol) to their place and back not contacting anyone else in between. They have been doing their shopping mostly online with deliver. We head back on Wednesday.